Similar events took place in the villages bNeokazi/b, Popozhani, Boreshnitsa, and Sekulevo. On March 13th, 1946 10 people from the village Petoratsi were sued in the Lerin court and were given 10 to 15 year prison sentences for accusations ...
Oshchima. Lerin. Florina) battalion had 1500 armed work force. The court of Appeals in Thessalonika decides that the want of the 17 Lerin citizens was by creating of this Macedonian Cultural center to jeopardize the integrity of b.../b
Oshchima. Lerin. Florina) battalion had 1500 armed work force. The court of Appeals in Thessalonika decides that the want of the 17 Lerin citizens was by creating of this Macedonian Cultural center to jeopardize the integrity of b.../b